Friday, August 26, 2011


So I'm currently taking a course at the University of Bournemouth as the last part of getting my license here in the UK. It's called to ONP- Over seas Nursing Program and basically it means I go to a class 3 days over a 20 day period and then in my free time I have to complete a giant workbook. Let me just tell you, I feel like I'm back in college with all the moaning I've been doing and all the procrastination I've had. Either way I'm already making good headway in this book, but the material is so dry! So far it's been about legislation in the UK, how the NHS (national health service) works, what it does and how it's all FREE! Yes, it's still a little bit wild in my mind, I mean come on look at where I've just come from. The land of sending you a medical bill for thousands of dollars expecting you to pay up NOW! But enough about that. Anyway, so I went to my class and then after did a little bit of exploring. Here are a few photos of downtown Bournemouth, it's so cute.

(A hot air ballon that sits in the down park, which is beautiful. You can pay 12.50 pounds and it will take you up in the air. It doesn't go very far, but hey you could always pretend you were flying around the world)

(Shopping in Bournemouth. Like most towns in the England, the shopping almost looks like a little village setting.)

(More shopping!)

(Random building on campus at Bournemouth. You know all that fancy stuff)

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