Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It has been ages

Sorry for the huge lack in posting, things got a little bit wild with traveling and then I finally moved into a flat in London and started working again! Glory days! To have a job again! It was and still is a wonderful feeling to now be settled and a real resident of London after all that work to get here. But that aside, let me show you where I've been traveling and what I've been up to, eh?

First, Scotland! My gal pal George and I took a tumultuous overnight bus to Edinburg, Scotland for some exploring and Gloria joined in on the adventures a few days later. So here's what we did:

(I can't remember what this monument was for!)

(High Street! Tons of whisky and kilt shops)

(The church on the high street that was converted into a cafe)

(Other bits of high street. I loved all the gothic style architecture) 

(The castle!)

(In the park this water fountain was brought to Edinburg by one of it's towns people)

(The first few days of Edinburg the weather was amazing! So warm and sunny that George and I had a picnic and a nap in the sun)

(The lovely George)

(The cathedral I passed everyday into town from my hostel)

(Then Gloria and I stormed the castle! It was good fun and we learned a lot about the Scottish culture and why they love Scotch so much)

(A view from the top!)

(Another cathedral where we saw a wedding chalk full o' kilts)

(Then the town was blanketed with fog and gave it a really creepy feeling! Which we loved. I thought it fit perfectly with the way the old buildings looked)

(This is Gloria getting super excited because we just booked into a Scottish Highlands tour for the next day!)

(On the way back to the hostel. I'm telling you, if Edinburg was always this foggy I would snuggle up to it all day everyday)
The Highlands were simply amazing. At first I was only half interested in going on that adventure, but then as I learned more about Scotland, I became drawn to the idea of roaming the foggy highlands. Our tour guide was a silly Scottish man who loved to smoke a pipe and was really good and making extra little stops to show us his favorite little tid bits. For that I am forever in love with him, he had some great little finds up his sleeve. Of course when we set off on our adventure it was cold and raining and didn't stop until we were soaked completely through and my hair was a frizzy mess. 

(Gloria chillin at the loch)

(Me waiting for Gloria to figure out my camera to take a photo)

(Me being all "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING?!")

(Aw! Look at us being all cute)

(Hunting for monsters)
(A stop along our way, this was at a monument for soldiers who have fought in multiple wars. It was so beautiful the way the clouds just rolled over the mountains)

(Loch Ness! Here we had a wonderful picnic and went hunting for Nessy)

(Gloria getting excited about the hunt)

(Then we stormed another castle that let you climb all over it! And we got to see the real Hogwarts Express! Did you know that J.K. Rowling is from Edinburg?)

(We climbed a turret) 

(Then we stopped at a place called the 3 sisters. It's a mountain range that is said to "cry" because of all the water it absorbs and then creates all these amazing little springs)

(Me and Glo)


All these clouds and mountains! Seriously, these photos don't do it justice, but the Scottish High Lands are one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. After that long day of traveling Gloria and I ate haggis and liked it! Sadly the next day both Gloria and George left me in Edinburg as they needed to go to back to school or back home. I had a day trip to Glasgow, which nice enough, but it was freezing and a little bit lonely. Over all, I love Scotland! 

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